My name is Ljudevit Laušin, I was born in Osijek, Croatia in 1982.
After graduation, I started to study law at the Faculty of Law in Osijek as a regular student. I began to learn classical guitar with professor A.Begic in 1998 and continuously worked with him until 2005. That year I switched to the Associate Degree in law to prepare myself for entrance exams at the Academy of Arts Osijek, which I enrolled in 2007 and which I finished on time in September of 2012. After finishing my MA degree I have conferred the title of Master of Music Education, mag. mus. In 2012 I was also presented with the Rector’s Award for Composing Music for “Baron Trenk - Cabaret”. Also, I am a member of the classical guitar trio "Sui Generis" which exists since 2004. Since then we have performed at numerous concerts, promotions, and openings of the various cultural events. Our repertoire covers wide stylistic territory - from Renaissance to the 21st century (including my compositions and transcriptions). My other musical project, a blues-rock band „The Red Roosters" was also created in 2004. As the only band of that stylistic orientation in the surrounding area since our formation, we held numerous concerts across the Croatian clubs and blues festivals specialized in that style of music. We played in London on two occasions - in 2010. and in 2013. we played in some great venues (The Good Ship, The Solo Bar, The Jamm in Brixton…) and we have plans to come back for more gigs. In February 2009 we were presented with an award as a most promising young band, the annual award organized by the Croatian Music Union. Besides the guitar, I play the piano, harmonica, bass and I sing. At the same time, I am the author of all the original songs that we perform. I am a member of the Croatian Composers Society and Croatian Musicians Union and I had my compositions (for both music projects) broadcasted on numerous radio stations across Croatia including performances on the Croatian national radio and television. So far I have written works for guitar trio, solo classical guitar plus the works for choir, soloists, string quartet, and piano solo. My work for SATB choir “Dies Irae” won a prize (publishing of the work and financial) in a contest organized by "Croatian cultural association" (the umbrella organization of amateur artistic activities, is a non-governmental organization that covers amateur reproductive performing activities in the Republic of Croatia). While still attending the academy, I started composing incidental music for theatre plays, which I continued to do after I graduated and I have rich experience of writing, recording, producing, and mastering my original stage music and sound effects that I acquired while working on various theatre projects. |