- Ideal for advancing first and second year students
- Ranges limited but begin to expand
- Short suggested solos provided
- Simple, carefully planned, and straightforward rhythm section parts
- Playable with a reduced instrumentation
medium EASY
- For advancing middle school and developing high school ensembles
- Modest range expansion
- Thoughtfully composed suggested solos provided
- Emphasis on sectional writing and fully notated rhythm section parts
- Playable with a reduced instrumentation
- Best suited for high school and advanced middle school ensembles
- Modest range expansion
- Rhythms freely use light syncopation and triplets
- Solo sections are expanded, thoughtfully composed suggested solos provided
- Fully notated rhythm section parts
- For intermediate to advanced high school and collegiate ensembles
- Pieces feature lush harmonies and further exploration into structure
- Mixed meter introduced in moderation
- Independence is encouraged across all sections
- Fully notated rhythm section parts
- For ensembles with advanced capabilities
- Pieces may explore various keys centers and extended techniques
- Mixed meter and syncopation are freely used